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Sunday, April 29, 2012

28 April 2012 diary

28 April 2012.

Good evening to everyone in Heaven and earth,

Today is another happy day for me despite raining.
I woke up at 1pm after a very long sleep last night and straight have a lunch.
I went shopping at a Cannington market with my mom.
After that I went to hire a Yoshi costume in a fancy dress costume hire.
I went home and opened the newly arrived box containing both Kyo and Inuyasha wig; wore Kyo's wig for the first time and I was very impressed.
My mother's friend om Bian and tante Lisa visited my house together with om Santoso and his wife.
We all went eating dinner at Bateman Chinese restaurant.
My parents went to their friends house to sing karaoke while I stayed at home repairing my Wukong's phoenix crown which was damaged during the play with the lions on 30 January 2012.

God be praised. The crown was fairly repaired and I am definitely going to wear this on Sunday Yobe grand opening.
I watched the Lion King while eating 'martabak' cake.
I finally decided to sleep after exploring facebook and sent a birthday greeting to Sharon.

Good night.

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